
Get calendar

Fetch calendar information by a specific equity(s) or watchlist(s)

GET /calendar/

modified_sincequerydatetimeReturns events modified since this date
event_typequerystringFilter by: earnings, earnings_release, presentation, investor_meeting, special_situation
start_datequerydatetimeFetch events ≥ this date (default: -2 weeks)
end_datequerydatetimeFetch events ≤ this date (default: +2 weeks)
bloomberg_tickerquerystringFilter events to 1+ Bloomberg tickers (comma-separated)
isinquerystringFilter events to 1+ ISINs (comma-separated)
permidquerystringFilter to one or more PermID identifiers (comma-separated)
ricquerystringFilter events to 1+ Reuters/Refinitiv RICs (comma-separated)
tickerquerystringFilter events to 1+ local tickers (comma-separated)
watchlist_idqueryintegerFilter to one or more watchlist IDs (comma-separated)
include_deletedquerybooleanWhether to include deleted event records (for reconciliation)
include_privatequerybooleanWhether to include private events
from_indexqueryintegerThe index from which to start returning results
sizequeryintegerThe number of events to return (max: 1,000)
sort_keyquerystringSort by event_id_asc, event_id_desc, event_date_asc (default), and event_date_desc


  • modified_since can be used to synchronize with an external system.
  • All dates (event_date, created, modified) are in Eastern Time (America/New_York timezone) and formatted in ISO 8601.
  • By default, start_date and end_date are set to +/- 2 weeks.
  • Only one of the equity identifiers (bloomberg_ticker, isin, permid, ric, or ticker) should be used per request. Using multiple equity identifier query parameters will end up resolving only one of them.
  • You can only pull a maximum of 365 days worth of calendar data at a time (using start_date and end_date, or modified_since). You could extend this range to 730 days by filtering to specific equities using one of the supported identifiers (or the watchlist_id parameter).


  "params": {
    "start_date": "2023-01-01T00:00:00",
    "end_date": "2023-02-03T14:38:01.289052",
    "bloomberg_ticker": "AMZN:US",
    "size": 100,
    "from_index": 0
  "count": 1,
  "events": [
      "event_id": 2341068,
      "event_title": "Q4 2022 Earnings Call",
      "event_type": "earnings",
      "event_date": "2023-02-02T17:30:00",
      "equity": {
        "equity_id": 1,
        "local_ticker": "AMZN",
        "bloomberg_ticker": "AMZN:US",
        "ric": "AMZN.OQ",
        "permid": "4295905494",
        "isin": "US0231351067",
        "exchange_mic": "XNAS"
      "corporate_activity_id": "15ef0fb4-1c71-11ee-a724-040106a3ab01",
      "has_unknown_time": false,
      "connection_expected": true,
      "broadcast_url": "",
      "replay_url": "",
      "conference_number": null,
      "conference_pin": null,
      "slides_url": "",
      "press_url": "",
      "transcription_status": "published",
      "transcription_audio_url": "",
      "status": "active",
      "created": "2023-01-20T02:12:46",
      "modified": "2023-02-03T03:04:44"

Code Samples


curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'X-API-Key: xxx'


import requests
requests.request("GET", "", headers={"X-API-Key": "xxx"})